Points Race

The 2024 Points race is here. The race starts 2/17/2024 and ends with a final tournament on 3/30/2024. We plan on having 10 tournaments to lead up to the final tournament. All other information is below. Thanks and good luck.

Also a big thank you to Tony for having the 2024 Oklahoma State $20,000 and donating a package to our point race. Magoos in OK is a fun place to play. The payouts on this tournament are awesome for all rankings. This is a great tournament to attend even if you do not win the package. The flyer is below and is located on the IFP website.

Would you like to be a sponsor? You can donate tournament packages, cash, hotel rooms, flights, fuel cards, restaurant gift cards, or anything else that our players may want or need. We can give you a entry into the final tournament, ads, event naming rights and much more. Contact us for more info.

Points Race Information

Player Rankings: Beginner, Intermediate, Expert, Pro. Players will be ranked by Tournament director.

Cash added: For each player attending an event we will add a minimum of $2 per player to the final jackpot. We will try to add up to $4 per player if we can.

Qualifying Tournaments: Tournaments run between the dates above are qualifying tournaments. . Players aquire points by playing in the tournaments. Players that finish 1st gets 5 points, 2nd get 4 points, 3rd gets 3 points, 4th gets 2 points and all others get 1 point per tournament . Points are tallied weekly.

How to Qualify: The top 4 point players in their ranking qualify for the final tournament and prizes. Players must play in at least 4 tournaments to qualify. If there is not enough players in a rank, the rank will be dissolved and players moved to up or down to the next rank with the top 8 in that rank qualifying at tournament directors discretion.

Final Tournament: The final tournament will be a Draw Your Partner. The top 4 from each ranking will draw in a A/B format. The A players(expert/pro) draw from the B players (beginners/Intermediate). If there are less players in a group the bigger group will draw from itself once the smaller group is out of players. If there is an odd number of players from non buy ins the next non qualified highest point player from that group can play for free.

Final Tournament Buy in: Non-qualified players may buy into the final tournament by paying 10% of the payout rounded up to the nearest $10. Buy in players can only draw from the B player group. If there is a odd number of players the next non qualified highest point b group player may play for free.


Cash Prizes will be split 40/60%. 40% to the top players and 60% to the final tournament

The top players in each ranking will get 25% of their split.

Final tournament Cash Payout will be 1st 45% 2nd 30% 3rd 15% and 10% for 4th.

Buy-ins will only be added to the final tournament prize pool.

Sponsor prizes will be given how the sponsor has directed

Tournament packages will be given by raffel. All players will get 1 ticket. Qualified players will get a extra ticket for every win. Drawing will be held at the end of the tournament.