Points Race and Local Player Rating

These are our local player rating and points. We have 4 rankings for players, Beginner, Intermediate, Expert, Pro. Points are updated weekly.

How we rate players

New players will be rated by the tournament director if no local rating. Players that play in 10 tournaments will have their rating for the next point event based on win percent.

Beginner: Learning rules. Has ball control at one position. Has a chance of 14% or less chance to place in the top 4 at a local event.

Intermediate: Has a basic understanding of rules. Has ball control on most rods. Can play one position well. Has a 15%-42% chance to place in the top 4 at a local event.

Expert: Understands the rules. Has ball control on all rods. Can play both positions on the table. Has a 43%-69% chance to place in the top 4 at a local event.

Pro: Understands the rules. Has ball control on all rods. Can play both positions on the table at a high level. Has a 70% or better chance to place in the top 4 at a local event.