Tournament Package giveaways!! Ask your Local Promoter to contact us!! We will give them a package to giveaway at your local tournament. If 7 or more players from your local group prepay we will give multiple packages to your promoter!
All events Winner side 2/3 match. Final game winners side win by 2 Open Only. Loser side all matches based on attendance and time. Losers side can be 2/3 match or race to 7 depending on time available. 8pm DYP event format will be time dependent and can be 2/3, race to 7, or single elimination. All ranks based on IFP rating with tournament director having final say. All matches 5 Minute recall 5 minute forfeit. Payouts for all events are participant based. For full payout Open singles requires 20 players, Am doubles requires 20 players(10 Teams), Open Doubles 38 PLAYERS(19 Teams), Dyp 28 players(14 Teams) or 106 total player entries between all events.
To be a Top BG/RO/AM Team both team members must be currently ranked at the same rank. If a tie between top teams a single match or a single elimination tournament may be held to determine the winner. Td to determine type of tournament based on time and tables available.
Every Match Counts!!! Tournament Champion determined by points. Points are based off players in each event and their finish. The player with the most points is the Tournament Champion and wins the payout!
Chip Event $5 for 5 chips with rebuy, Play anyone anywhere for a minimum of 1 chip per player. Winners take all the chips. 1 table when available will be set up as a winner holds the table. Person with the most chips at 11pm gets the pot.