Points Race

Hot Shot Points Race 1/1-3/28. 28 Tournaments Estimated Payout $1000

12 Tournaments Min to qualify for final

More prizes or tour packages may be added.

Points are per player 1st 5pts, 2nd 4pts 3rd 3 pts 4th 2pts and 1 point for everyone else.

IFP Ranked Pro Master/Pro will be paired with a beginner or lower ranked player. If more than 1 IFP Ranked Pro Master/Pro is at an event they will draw between the lowest ranked players at the tournament Directors discretion. If a Pro Master/Pro brings or picks a beginner they can play with them at TD discretions. This does not apply to any Bring Your Partner events.

Saturday Final Tournament 6pm Qualified players only(open singles/doubles a/b draw/pick) Tournament type based on qualified players. $20 entry. Payouts 1st 40%/ 2nd 30%/3rd 20%/4th 10% of the total payout.

Fine Print: $1 minimum per paying player at each event is added to make the final payouts. Players must play a min of 12 events to qualify.

10/1-12/28 points race detailed information